Saturday, September 12, 2015

BB-8 in The Force Awakens

BB-8 State of the Art Droid

   BB-8 is the new adorable little droid that will take center stage in Episode 7 and more.  This crafty little guy is has a lot of personality.  He is going to become an iconic star wars character.  People everywhere will recognize this amazing machine.

   From what I understand about this droid.  It's real.  Not in the sense that I am confirming roomers about the new star wars "The Force Awakens".  What I mean is that this little droid is a robot that exists in the real world.  Minus the artificial intelligence.


   This fast little guy teams up with the light side of the force.  If this technology dose not capture your heart than your hopes are to high.  This is not a CGI robot.  This little guy can actually move in the real world just like on the set.

Want a BB8 robot?  Visit my Star Wars Christmas Store.

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