Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Maz Kanata in The Force Awakens

Maz Kanata

Maz Kanata is played by Lupita Nyong'o.  She is a CGI character. A pirate with connections to princess Leia.  This crafty smuggler is a leader and smuggler of rare items. 

The Pirate Smuggler

Maz Katana has possession of Luke Skywalkers light saber.  She delivers it to another character at a critical moment in the film.  She is the owner of a castle and has a band of pirate smugglers that defend her.  Her castle is full of wayward wonderers and I believe will be the scene for a battle.  Many smugglers in the galaxy covet this famous light-saber.  Her ties with princess Leia and the rebel alliance will surely bring trouble to her door step.

Dark Side or Light Side?

   Maz Kanata is likely to experience some conflict with the main cast but in the end I believe she will be an allie to the good side of the force.  A dynamic character driven by money.  But she is not a ruthless villain.  A pirate out for her own self interests operating with chivalry and good form.  This character is likely to be a favorite for the kids.  Played by a young girl, children will likely relate to his alien pirate renegade.

Find Christmas Gifts for Maz Kanata at

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