Kylo Ren is the infamous villain of episode 7. A powerful leader in command of the "First Order". Kylo partners the last of the Empirical forces and remains a threat to peace in the galaxy. He believes he is doing the right thing and struggles with inner turmoil. He sees through the lies of the jedi.
Where did he Come From?
Well, the star wars galaxy the jedi and sith are not the only groups that use the force. Different factions are scattered across the galaxy. However you can generally categorize them into two groups. Light side and dark side of the force. Kylo is a member of the dark side of the force and sees the jedi as enemies. He is a member of a group called "The Knights of Ren".
I Thought the Empire Was Defeated?
After the destruction of the Death Star, the main base for the empire, military forces were left dispersed with a loss of central command. The emperor and Darth Vader are gone. The head of the snake so to speak. Many of the empirical forces are tricked into retreating into the hands of another "dark sided" leader. Also, the empire had constructed bases on the edges of the galaxy that created reinforcements. These locations generated new technology and new clone armies. The empire was not fully defeated.
How dose the Empire Stand Up to The Republic
The republic, concerned with piece, was focused on demilitarizing. Thus the rebel forces are at a loss when the emperor's reinforcements arrive. Kylo Ren is likely the child of Luke or Leia Skywalker. He is the next generation of force powered warrior. His role is likely to unfold in an unexpected way.
Sith or Jedi?
Kylo Ren is not a Sith. The dark side has more than one faction. Kylo Ren obtains his name from a group called the "Knights of Ren". He is not the leader of the empirical forces. He serves under "Supreme Leader Supreme Leader Snoke". Ren believes he can see through the lies of the jedi.
Kylo Ren is a Self Taught Master.
Kylo Ren is a young warrior that is still developing his force skills. He has a unique light saber. Its shaped like a cross and reminds me of a knights Templar image. It seems Kylo is on a religious crusade and will stop at nothing when acting on his beliefs.
Darth Vadar Fan Boy
Kylo is a collector of Darth Vader's relics. He has possession of Darth Vader's burnt helmet. In episode 7 he is after Luke Skywalkers light saber. Which was once Anakin Skywalkers. Kylo is guaranteed to scare children by becoming a unique iconic super villain.
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