Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Millennium Falcon in Episode 7

The Millennium Falcon in "The Force Awakens"

    My favorite actors return to the studio in order to bring our favorite Star Wars characters back to life.  But how about the Millennium Falcon?  Well I am happy to tell you that in Star Wars Episode 7 "The Force Awakens", you will once again see the Millennium Falcon take flight.  This iconic space vessel will of course be accompanied by the classic pilots Han Solo and Chewbacca. 

The Millennium Falcon Returns to Han

    Somewhere along the way Han Solo looses the legendary space voyager.  It could be in a card game?  That would add some comic irony to the story line.  Maybe it was stolen.  At this point it's unknown.  What we do know comes straight from the official trailer.  A short clip with Han and Chewbacca standing together on the ship.  Both looking around with nostalgia in their eyes Han says, "Chewie... were home".

What do we know about the Falcon

    Keep in mind that at this point in time details about episode 7 are highly secretive.  Actors are cloaked while moving around the set.  The scripts are distributed in small portions.  The whole production process is run like a military operation with every area compartmentalized.  Actors will find them in huge law suits if they say anything.  We are piecing the movie together like Einstein's riddle.    We have a few clues here and there that put parts of the story in their place. 

How about the Toys? 

     When I was a child I had a huge Millennium Falcon toy.  One day my mother snuck my toy falcon into the garage sale stuff.  I was heart broken.  I was in the third grade.  I put every toy I ever owned into that thing.  It was huge.  I guess my mom did not like it.  lol. 

Find More Star Wars Troy's at StarWarsChristmas.com

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