Saturday, September 12, 2015

C-3P0 in The Force Awakens


At this point you just can not make a star wars film with out the two classic droids.  C3p0 and R2d2. These two loyal and brave droids will be with us until the end.  Well, brave might not be the best description for C3p0.  But he always seems to come through in the end.

What Dose He do in Episode 7?

Not much is know about the role of c3p0.  He will no doubt be the same seeing as how he is a robot and dose not age.  However, in some teaser photos it appears he has a red left arm.  Why?  I do not know.

C3p0 Steam Punked! 

What could possibly be the reason for a red arm.  Is C3p0 a Junk Yard Robot now?  It has been a long time sense his days of serving luke skywalker?  Or is he still with Luke and this was some funny jedi prank that we do not understand?  Cuz were not jedi.   Did someone salvage this cheesy old robot and polish him up with a red arm?   Dose the red arm signify some kind of rank amoung droids?  What ever.  He can speek over 6000 different languages and everyone in the galaxy needs a protocol droid.  Don't look a gift Robot in the mouth.

See Spoilers about C3p0

Tears! Say it's not So!

Find C3po Christmas Gifts at

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