Wednesday, September 16, 2015

BB-8 Remote Controlled Droid toy

Control BB-8 With Smart Phone or Tablet

      The awesome new star wars android known as bb8 is not a CGI character.  In fact, the technology is very real.  You can find the original technology online.  The original form factor is know as Sphero.  Sphero is a small toy that can be controlled by a smart phone or tablet.  That is why we call it the Sphero BB-8 app-enabled ball. 

Works just like in the movie!

     BB-8 Sphero works just like the real bb-8.  This amazing little piece of technology will baffle you and your family this Christmas.  What a shock that you could have the real star wars droid in your home.  (A little smaller of course). 

Same Technology minus A.I.

     Imagine as a child you could buy a walking C3-p0.  Or an R2-D2 that could be remote controlled.  If their was one I do not remember it.  This little robot moves around just like in the movie.  Except for the artificial intelligence, this is the actual robot that you control from your smart phone.

Sphero can move about by using state of the art technology.  You control every
thing from your smart phone.  This technology inspired the creators of star wars episode 7 incorporate a new droid into the story line.  Facinated by the sphero ball, bb-8 was created.

The Dark Side

This is the dark sphero.  It has a cool light and far more stylish than regular sphero.

See the inner working. 

The Clear Sphero ball lets you see the technology that makes this whole thing work.  It's quite fascinating. 

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